don’t I have the right to do that?

I am under obligation to the Greeks and also Barbarians, the wise and also the foolish Romans 1:14


I want to exhibit concern for those around me. In reality I care only for some of those around me when it is convenient for me. I fit the American profile of the individual who stands up for his rights. In America I have certain rights and freedoms that guarantee that I do not have to be indebted to certain people. I am free.

Sometimes we Americans get rights confused with laws. Just because we have the right to do something, does not mean we have to take advantage of that right. I have the right to assemble and protest; that does not mean I have to assemble and protest. I have the right to put up a privacy fence; that does not mean that I have to put up a privacy fence. I am thankful for my rights, and I am thankful for the men and women whose sacrifice allows me to have those rights.

While America does have laws in place that protect the rights of the American citizen, as a Christian, I follow a Savior who gave up His rights voluntarily for the sake of others. Paul, as a good Jew, could have continued to follow the laws of his people and refused to associate with those who were different. He chose, instead, to be bound by the law of love which stated that all men were his neighbor. 

I have a hard time feeling compelled to love those who differ from me. Feelings, however, should not drive me. The love of Christ should drive me and move me to exhibit concern not only for those close to me, but for anyone God puts in my path.

~ by Michael on May 27, 2008.

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